Stargate Education


1. Which of these was the source of copper for Harappans?

2. Which of these was not worshipped by the Harappan?

3. Consider the following statement.

  1. After independence, most of the Harappan civilisation centres went over to Pakistan.
  2. The Harappan script has been deciphered.
  3. Rulers had an important role in Harappan civilisation.
  4. Dead were buried in Harappa.
    Which of the above is correct statement?

4. Ashoka is mentioned by which titles in his inscriptions?

5. How many Mahajanapadas were there?

6. Who appointed Dhamma Mahamatras?

7. Railway was started in India in

8. The marriage of Draupadi was a practice of which type of marriage?

9. Hastinapur was the capital of which of the following?

10. Thinkers like Socrates and Plato belonged to which of the following countries?

11. Which of the following deities was mentioned in Rigveda?

12. Jaina literature was composed in which of the following languages?

13. Which of the following is correct about the objective of the work of Al-Biruni?

14. Which of the following was the main subject described in the book Kitab-ul-Hind?

15. Who among the following appointed Ibn-Battuta as the qazi in his court?

16. Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki was associated with which of the following places?

17. Sheikh Nizamuddin's hospice is located on which of the following river bank?

18. Which of the following is not correct about Lingayats?

19. Who was the founder of Vijayanagara Empire?

20. Krishnadeva Raya belonged to which of the following dynasties?

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