Stargate Education


1. In recombinant DNA technology, antibiotics are used

2. Spooling is

3. Statements related to human insulin are given below. Which statement(s) is/are correct about genetically engineered insulin?

I. Pro-hormone insulin contains extra stretch of C-peptide.
II. A-peptide and B-peptide chains of insulin were produced separately in E.coli, extracted and combined by creating disulphide bond between them.
III. Insulin used for treating diabetes was extracted from cattles and pigs.
IV. Pro-hormone insulin needs to be processed for converting into a mature and functional hormone.
V. Some patients develop allergic reactions to the foreign insulin.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.

4. Given below are two statements.

Statement I Mendel studied seven pairs of contrasting traits in pea plants and proposed the law of inheritance.

Statement II Seven characters examined by Mendel in his experiment on pea plants were seed shape and colour, flower colour, pod shape and colour, flower position and stem height. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.

5. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed by

6. Which is the basis of genetic mapping of human genome as well as DNA fingerprinting?

7. Select the correct statement from the following.

8. The laws and rules to prevent unauthorised exploitation of bioresources are termed as

9. Select the statements that are correct regarding patterns of biodiversity.

(A) Species diversity increases as we move away from the equator towards the poles.

(B) The tropical Amazon rainforest in South America has the greatest biodiversity on earth.

(C) There is more solar energy available in the temperate region than tropics.

(D) Tropical environments are less seasonal relatively more constant and predictable.

(E) A Humboldt observed that within a region, species richness decreases with increasing explored area, up to a limit.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

10. Flowers are a fascinating organ of angiosperms. Flowers are considered the object of aesthetic, ornamental, social and cultural value. Biologically flower is a

11. Which of the following hormone is not produced by placenta ?

12. Individuals with karyotype of 44+ XXY having overall masculine development with few feminine development like gynaecomastia has chromosomal disorder.

13. Which one of the following enzyme brings about hydrolysis of lactose to glucose and galactose?

14. Which of the following option determines the percolation and water holding capacity of soils?

15. Which of the following is not a barrier method of birth control?

16. 'Golden rice' variety of rice shows

17. Arrange the stages of biomagnification of DDT.

(A) Fish eating birds (DDT 25 ppm)
(B) Small fish (DDT 0.5 ppm)
(C) Zooplankton (DDT 0.04 ppm)
(D) Water (DDT 0.003 ppb)
(E) Large fish (DDT2 ppm)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

18. Which of the following is not the cause of biodiversity loss?

19. Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) Certain mass of living material at each trophic level is called as standing crop.
(B) The crop that can with stand adverse conditions is called standing crop.
(C) The amount of nutrients in soil is called biomass.
(D) Only biotic components make an ecosystem.
(E) Most of phytoplanktons are member of algae.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

20. Which enzymes are used for clarification of bottled fruit juices?

(A) Amylases
(B) Pectinases
(C) Proteases
(D) Lipases

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

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