Stargate Education


  1. Definition
  2. Introduction to Pharmacopoeia with special reference to HPI,HPUS,BHP,GHP.
  3. Metrology systems of weight and measurement including Homoeopathic Scales Calculation including conversion from one to another system.
  4. Vehicles Introduction to vehicles
  5. Hahnemann’s Method of preparation of Mother Tincture
  6. Preparation of Mother Tincture by percolation and maceration, new Method
  7. Potentization, Trituration and succession, conversion of dry Trituration to Liquid potency
  8. Different method of preparation of Homeopathic medicine, Drug Trituration and Potentisation of
    Homoeopathic Drugs in Decimal scale, centesimal scale and Millesimal scale.
  9. Jenichen, Fink’s high potency, Dr. Skinner’s fluxion method and Korsakoff’s Method of Dynamisation.
  10. External Applications, scope, component and preparation, Glycerol, Liniments, Cream, Ointment,
    Lotion, Plaster and Protective
  11. Medication of Globules, Tablets, Diskettes etc.
  12. Preservation of Mother Tincture and Potencies
  13. Posology
  14. Routes of Administration
  15. Pharmacodynamics, Mechanism of Drug Action, Factors Modifying drug Action
  16. Action of Drugs, Physical, Chemical, Dynamics


  1. History of Origin and evolution of homoeopathy
  2. Life and work of Dr.S. Hahnemann
  3. Hahnemann-a Pharmacist
  4. Concept of Health, Decease, recovery and cure in homoeopathy
  5. Introduction to the study of Organon of medicine
  6. Mission of physician
  7. Ideal cure
  8. Principles of homeopathic medicine
  9. Totality of symptoms
  10. Analysis and evaluation of symptoms
  11. Portrait of disease


  1. Definition history and scope of Pharmacognogy including indigenous system of medicine
  2. Adulteration and drug evaluation, significance of pharmacopoeial standards
  3. Morphology, physical, chemical features of following groups with minimum five examples from each:-
  • Compositcae ( which Medicine??)
  • Cucurbitaceac
  • Loganiaceae
  • Papaveraceae
  • Ranunculaceae
  • Solanaceae
  • Anacardiaceae
  • Molanthiaceae
  • Acid group
  • Kali group
  • Natrum group
  • Baryta group
  • Calcarea Group
  • Mercury group
  • Carbon Group
  • Ophidia group
  • Spider group
  • Insect Group
  • Fish group


  1. Scope of Anatomy and Physiology. Definitions of various terms used in Anatomy.
  2. Structure of cell, function of its components with special reference to mitochondria and microsomes.
  3. Elementary tissues of the body i.e. epithelial tissue, muscular tissue, connective tissue and nervous tissue.
  4. Structure and function and skeleton. Classification of joints and their function, joint
  5. Composition of blood, functions of blood elements, blood group and coagulation of blood, brief information regarding disorders of blood.
  6. Name and functions of lymph glands.
  7. Structure and functions of various parts of the heart, arterial and venous system with special reference to the names and position of main arteries and veins. Blood pressure and its recording. Brief information about cardiovascular disorders.
  8. Various parts of respiratory system and their functions, physiology of respiration.
  9. Various parts of urinary system and their functions, structure and functions of kidney, physiology of urine formation, pathophysiology of renal disease and edema.
  10. Structure of skeletal muscle, physiology of muscle contraction, names position, attachments and functions of various skeletal muscles, physiology of neuromuscular junction.
  11. Various parts of central nervous system, brain and its parts, functions and reflex action. Anatomy and physiology of autonomic nervous system.
  12. Elementary knowledge of structure and functions of the organs of taste, smell, ear and skin, physiology of pain.
  13. Digestive system: names of the various parts of digestive system and their functions, structure and functions of liver, physiology of digestion and absorption.
  14. Endocrine glands and hormones, locations of the glands, their hormones and functions, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and pancreas.
  15. Reproductive system – Physiology and anatomy of reproduction system.
  16. The ear, eye and skin – Structure and function.
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